Thursday 1 May 2014 | 05:41 | 0 love drops
You: Mom, I just won a contest to hangout with Brad for 1 day! Oh my god, I can't believe this.

Your mom: Aw congrats, sweetheart. But I'm busy tomorrow, how do I send you to Times Square?

You: He said he will pick me up at 9am here. I don't know.

Your mom: Well okay then, have fun darling.


You: God, I'm so excited for this. I'm gonna having fun with them and laugh together. Oh my gosh!

Your mom: Y/N, I gotta go! Have fun with Brad! Take a lot of pictures for me, okay?

You: Laugh out loud, okay mom. Sure! Bye, take care.

{Brad has arrived}


You: Who's there?

Brad: I'm your boyfriend, do you remember me?

You: Wait, I don't even have a boyfriend.

Brad: Well now, you do have a boyfriend.

-opens up the door-

You: Oh my god, Brad! What are you doing here?

Brad: I'm here to pick you up. Remember? You just won a contest to hangout with me.

You: Oh yes, I remember!

Brad: So are you ready to hangout and having fun with me?

You: Of course, Brad!

Brad: Okay, let's go!

{You and Brad has arrived at Times Square}

You: This is so cool, I can't believe that I'm with you right now. Like oh my gosh, I'm a fan of The Vamps!

Brad: Same baby. By the way, you're so pretty.

You: No, I'm ugly. Stop saying that I'm pretty.

Brad: No, stop saying that you're ugly. You're worth it. I love you. You're beautiful. Remember that.

You: Aw that's so sweet. This is why I love you so much, Brad.

Brad: Love you more, darling.

{You and Brad are walking around Times Square}

Brad: So, what are we gonna do now?

You: How about, shopping? Hahaha just kidding.

Brad: Nah okay, let's go!

{You guys has arrived at Victoria's Secret}

You: This is so expensive, why can't I be rich?

Brad: Do you want me to buy it for you?

You: Nah it's okay! -walks away-

Brad: -secretly buying something for you-

You: I'm going to your concert tomorrow.

Brad: Really? Do you wanna come backstage?

You: Sure brad oh my god I love you.

Brad: I love you more, man.

You: Hehe, oh wait. It's 8am and I'm hungry. Can we go to one restaurant and eat some foods?

Brad: Same I'm hungry too!

{At the restaurant}

Brad: -stares at you for a minute-

Y/N: Hm, Brad? Why are you staring at me?

Brad: It's because you're pretty.

Y/N: I love you.

Brad: No, not possible. Love you more.

You: Gosh, I love you. Haha know, let's order foods to eat?

Brad: Okay, babe. -calls waiter-

{You guys are having so much and you guys are too tired so it's to go home}

Brad: It's already late. I will send you home.

You: No, Brad. I'll go home with taxi.

Brad: Shut up, it's dangerous. -smiles-

You: Haha okay Brad!

{At home}

Brad: Had so much fun with you, thank you so much!

You: No I'm the one who should thank you because you're my sunshine. You light up my day, my life, my world.

Brad: God, stop being so sweet. -smiles with shy face-

You: Hahaha okay Brad, my mom is calling. So good night. Take care and sleep well! See you at your concert tomorrow. So proud of you guys.

Brad: Awh, oh wait! -brad grabs you and kiss you on the lips and he winks-

Y/N: Am I dreaming? Holy shit.

Brad: You're not dreaming, let me slap your face! Just kidding, bye! Good night. Love you.

You: Love you too. Drive carefully! -hugs brad-

{Tomorrow at the concert}

Brad: So I just met one girl yesterday and she's so pretty. -brad stares at you while talking about a girl that he met yesterday-

You: I wonder who is she...

Brad: I'm in love with her. Is it okay that I date someone? I'd love to date my fans. Okay okay, her name is.. Y/N!

You: Wait what.. That's my name. -other fans are staring at you and smiles-

Brad: That's her, I love her so much. She's pretty, right?

Other fans: Yes Brad! Glad you're happy with her.

-brad asks you to come up on stage and whispers to you-

Brad: Can you be my girlfriend, forever? And never leave me? Wanna come on stage?

You: Oh my god you serious? I'd love to be your girlfriend. It's my dream though haha! But I'm ugly..

Brad: Please don't say that you're ugly. You're beautiful, I love you.

You: I love you so much, baby. I'm crying.

Brad: Smile for me girl, don't you shed a tear.

You: -laughs-

{On stage}

Brad: So here she is!

Other fans: -screams-

Brad: I still love my fans. -kisses you on the forehead-

You: Babe, stop. I'm shy.

Brad: No need to be shy, you're mine now. -sings can we dance for you-

{At backstage}

Brad: -pushes you and whispers- I love you. -kisses you on the lips-

You: Brad oh my god I love you.


You: Brad, stop. You're embarrassing me, haha love you.

Brad: Love you more, babe.

{The End}

Hearts, Natasha